The Problem With TOMS

Published 04/11/2012 by thefeministfiles

Anyone that knows me is aware of my blatant hatred of TOMS shoes. Yesterday was my University’s “Day Without Shoes” thing, and I didn’t see a single person walking around shoeless. I laughed a little inside. Please, let me explain my reasoning:

Essentially, these shoes are a piece of canvas cloth wrapped around some kind of sole. They probably cost less than $10 to produce (and that’s being very generous.) HOWEVER, they feel the need to charge upwards of $50 for these “shoes”…and people actually buy them! $50 will buy me a decent pair of running shoes, or a few pairs of heels because I am incredibly cheap and shop at Shoe Carnival. No shame.

“But wait,” you say, “TOMS donates a pair of shoes to a kid in Africa for every pair you buy!” Please, let me make you aware of the fact that for MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of years, humans roamed the earth without shoes on their feet. Shoes are quite over rated. I walk around barefoot all the time, because I like the feeling of ground under my feet. The people getting the shoes in Africa REALLY DON’T NEED THEM. They were getting along fine without them before TOMS stepped in.

This is also a strategic marketing ploy to get you to buy a product because you think you’re being socially conscious. If you really want to be socially conscious, read “Creating A World Without Poverty” by Muhammed Yunus. He explains in there that the “help” these companies do is minimal if any, and the purpose of helping others is only to increase the company’s profit. AND IT WORKS. You can’t blame them for doing it.

Please tell me I am not alone in this. I think donating your time is much more beneficial than paying $50 for a pair of shoes that will MAYBE last  you a year, and look like crap after you’ve worn them a few times.

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